Senior Software Engineer
From mid 2021 to mid 2023
React, Node.js, Amazon Web Services
To create a new retail bank aimed at serving high-net-worth individuals with an exclusive experience, BTG Pactual, the largest investment bank in Latin America, launched BTG Banking with an innovative loyalty program, unlike anything in the market. In the following article, you will read about the development of the BTG Banking loyalty program through the Coren platform. .
Main problem
Create and launch an innovative loyalty program with a unique and personalized experience for high-net-worth clients of the new retail bank within just three months.
BTG Banking needs
- Create a flexible modular loyalty program in just three months;
- Develop a contextual and relevant loyalty program for their clients;
- Mitigate fraud risks in the reward process;
- Empower clients to choose their rewards.
The creation of a flexible, modular, contextual, and relevant loyalty program where clients could choose their preferred rewards:
• Cashback in a Fixed Income Fund;
• Cashback in a Bitcoin Fund;
• Cashback in an ESG Fund;
• Points in the Livelo coalition program;
• Points in the Esfera coalition program;
• Points in the Dotz coalition program.
• Launched the loyalty program in ¼ of the planned time;
• Increased spending by 50% to 70% among impacted clients;
• More than 1 million users rewarded and over 75 million transactions processed annually;
• Stability, high availability, and 99.999% of transactions processed automatically.
Thoughts about this project?
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